Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs): ADRCs provide information, counseling, and assistance to older adults and individuals with disabilities. They help individuals navigate and access a wide range of long-term care services, including waiver programs, in-home care, and community resources.
Most Common ADRC Provider Types
The availability of these ADRC provider types and the specific services they offer may vary by location. However, you not worry with The Waiver Consulting Group's 20 years of experience on your side.
Information and Referral Services Providers
ADRCs offer information on available services, programs, and resources for older adults and individuals with disabilities. They provide guidance and help individuals navigate the complex healthcare and long-term care systems.
Benefits Counseling Providers
ADRCs provide assistance with understanding and accessing various benefit programs and entitlements available to older adults and individuals with disabilities. This may include information on Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and other government assistance programs.
Long-Term Care Options Counseling Providers
ADRCs offer counseling and guidance on long-term care options available in the community. They help individuals assess their needs, explore available services and programs, and make informed decisions about their care and living arrangements.
Care Coordination Services Providers
ADRCs may provide care coordination services to help individuals develop and implement a comprehensive care plan. They collaborate with individuals, families, and service providers to ensure that all necessary supports and resources are coordinated and accessed.
In-Home Care Services: Providers
ADRCs can provide information and assistance in accessing in-home care services, such as personal care assistance, homemaker services, respite care, and home health care. They help individuals connect with licensed providers and explore payment options.
Transportation Assistance Providers
ADRCs may offer information and referral services for transportation options available to older adults and individuals with disabilities. They help individuals find accessible transportation services and explore transportation resources in the community.
Housing Assistance Providers
ADRCs can provide information and guidance on housing options for older adults and individuals with disabilities. This may include assistance with accessing affordable housing, home modifications, and supportive living arrangements.
Caregiver Support and Respite Services Providers
ADRCs offer support and resources for family caregivers, including counseling, education, and assistance in accessing respite care services. They provide information on caregiver support groups and training programs.
Health and Wellness Programs Providers
ADRCs may organize health promotion and wellness programs for older adults and individuals with disabilities. These programs may include health screenings, educational workshops, exercise classes, and nutrition counseling.